- Procrding The International Midwifery Scientific Conference 2018 Midwives Leading The Way with Quality Care
- Prosiding Seminar Ilmiah Nasional keperawatan 5th Adult Nursing in Practice Using Evidence in Care Tahun 2017
- Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Terapan
- Proceeding Health Workers and Society Readiness in Facing Disaster of Mother and Child Emergency with Comunity Base at Global Market
- The Proceeding of International Health Conference Maternal and Child Health Care with in The Scope of Local Culture
- Health workers and society readiness in facing disaster of mother and child emergency with community base at global market
- Prosiding seminar nasional kesehatan “safe cosmetics for your health skin”
- Prosiding seminar nasional Penguatan pendidikan matematika dan sains berwawasan konservasi dan kearifan lokal pada era disrupsi
- Proceeding evidence based practice and interprofesional collaboration for the shift to SDG’s
- The proceeding of international health conference Maternal and child health care within the scope of local culture
- Prosiding pertemuan ilmiah kongres XVI Bidan garda terdepan mengawal kesehatan maternal neonatal melalui germas dan pelayanan berkualitas
- Seminar nasional hasil hasil pengabdian masyarakat 2019 Optimalisasi output pengabdian kepada masyarakat institusi pendidikan vokasi untuk mewujudkan masyarakat 5.0
- Prosiding Seminar dan call for paper Moving towards news scientific research in nmidwifery practice
- Prosiding seminar nasional teknologi terapan Inovasi budaya dan teknologi untuk kemajuan bangsa jilid 1
- International conference proceedings Enforcing the strategic role of health information managers (HIM) in developing better countries
- Midwives leading the way with quality care
- Peningkatan mutu perekam medis dan informasi kesehatan melalui sertifaksi koder diera MEA
- Prosiding Challenges in developing coding of medical prosedures based on ICD-9 CM In the digitalization era
- Prosiding Diploma three program medical record and health information